
“Shōgun” (Hulu) historical drama, based on the 1975 novel of the same name by James Clavell, follows "the collision of two ambitious men from different worlds and a mysterious female samurai.” An equally fine TV adaptation was the 1980 5-episode series that starred Richard Chamberlain, Toshiro Mifune and Yoko Shimada. 

       The new series had Cosmo Jarvis as Blackthorne, Hiroyuki Sanada as Toranaga, and Anna Sawai as Mariko. Both series are highly recommended, as long as the current version doesn't resort to a Season 2, which is not needed. 

       “Shogun” is part of Mr Clavell's 6-volume “Asian Saga,” which I finished reading when I was in my 20s. I think I spent seven to 8 years reading all the books, from the 1980s to the 1990s. To refresh, I needed to place a “Shogun” paperback beside me as I watched the series. To fully appreciate both the book and TV series, rereading Japan's history helps, especially how “new” religions figured among warring noble clans. 

       Both productions--the 1980 and current series--used mostly a Japanese cast and the majority of the dialogue is in the Japanese language. Adds or heightens authenticity. Besides stellar acting, “Shogun” excels for its minimalist, brisk scripting and non-exuberant direction. Production design provided us with a truthful visual reference to what is imagined in the book. Not lavish, not grandiosely but the era's nuance and feel are well-accentuated.

       Indeed, an entertaining watch. 🎥📺📽


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