
“Kleo” (Netflix) Season 2, German action-thriller comedy series, follows the revenge journey of a former East German Stasi assassin after her arrest and subsequent imprisonment until the fall of the Berlin Wall. 

       Kleo is Jella Haase. Did I already write that she's my new crush? So I am saying it again! Reason why “Kleo” is fun to watch is mainly due to her oblivious charm, deadpan wit, and “I don't care” allure. 

       Synopsis: In 1987, after successfully assassinating a double agent in a West Berlin club, East German Stasi assassin Kleo Straub is falsely imprisoned by her agency. When she is released after the Berlin Wall is taken down in 1989, she plans her revenge on the conspirators who framed her. Meanwhile, Sven Petzold, an underappreciated fraud policeman who witnessed the 1987 murder, finds connections between it and Kleo, leading him to impede her vengeance quest.

       Although the comedic treatment of an otherwise serious political plotline tends to get distracted by intermittent dramatic interludes, don't forget, this is tongue in cheek European humor. 

       Dimitrij Schaad as Sven Petzold, an underachieving West Berlin cop, can be funny, too. But he is more corny than funny to me. Meanwhile, I don't really see the sense in having Thilo (Julius Feldmeier) in the scheme of things but his weirdo interjections as a spaced-out electronica DJ is indeed funny. 

       Yet it's all about Jella Haase. Oomph! Guud! (Of course, there's a Season 3. I think.) 🎥📺📽


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