“Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story” (Netflix) biographical crime drama, chronicles the case of the real-life brothers convicted in 1996 for the murders of their parents, José and Kitty Menéndez. Before you click-watch, be warned that this is a Ryan Murphy project, part of his “Monsters” anthology. Mr Murphy is also the dude behind the popular gore “American Horror Story,” 12 Seasons and counting. (BTW, Ryan also masterminded the highly-popular jukebox musical “Glee,” 2009-2015.) 

       Albeit masters of different genres, Ryan Murphy aligns somehow with David E. Kelley (courtroom drama) and Taylor Sheridan (action thriller) in behind the scene gravitas.

        The difference with Mr Murphy's work, especially those that delve with real-life characters (such as Jeffrey Dahmer), tabloid-styled sensationalism is expected. Shock is an understatement. “Lyle/Erik” did present an argument but mostly for their defense as delivered by lawyer Leslie Abramson. The series incorporates the “Rashomon” effect by presenting the story from multiple perspectives, with the brothers' viewpoint serving as the central narrative. But the angling was not brainer.

       Question persists: How factual are the “facts” or interpretation of the facts that the 9 episodes gave us? 1 episode was devoted to Erik's hyperventilation. Too much. We get it, already. 

       As expected, the Menendez family released a statement saying the series is "a phobic, gross, anachronistic, serial episodic nightmare,” adding “Our family has been victimized by this grotesque shockadrama.” In defense, Mr Murphy claimed that “Monsters” is "...the best thing that's happened to [the Menendez brothers] in 30 years,” referring to the renewed public interest in their case. Came news reports of possible “resentencing” of the brothers, who have served 35 years of their life sentence. Lyle is now 56; Erik, 53.

       Except for Ari Graynor who overacted as Ms Abramson and Nathan Lane's soap operatic take as journalist Dominick Dunne, the main performers as the Menendez family were exemplary: Javier Bardem as Jose, Chloë Sevigny as Kitty, Nicholas Alexander Chavez as Lyle, and Cooper Koch as Erik. 

       Anyhow, did I enjoy the series? Enjoy? LOL! I watched it. 🎥📺📽

GAVE up. “Fallout” (Amazon Prime) post-apocalyptic drama, depicts the aftermath of the Great War of 2077, an apocalyptic nuclear exchange between the United States and China. The series takes place in an alternate history of Earth where advances in nuclear technology after WWII  led to the emergence of a retrofuturistic society and a subsequent resource war. I used to enjoy sci-fi; I think I still do. But not this one or I didn’t have the patience to go past Episode 1. 


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