"Lioness" (Paramount+) 2 Seasons, spy thriller created by Taylor Sheridan, currently the genre's golden boy. The series follows Joe, a clandestine intelligence officer in charge of the Lioness program, as she navigates family life and her high-risk professional calling. The Lioness enlists female operatives as significant combatants and military tacticians for CIA operations.
Aside from Joe, Sergeant First Class Cruz Manuelos (Laysla De Oliveira), a former Force Recon Marine who turned Delta Force operator after the events of season 1. And Captain Josephina Carrillo (Genesis Rodriguez), a US Army Apache pilot recruited into the program due to her family connection to the Mexican cartel that kidnapped an American Congresswoman. Cruz is assigned as shadow Josephina in Season 2. The star of the show, however, is the Lioness team's kickass edge of your seat bang-banger engagements out in the field.
While I may question Joe's physical frame as slight and small, Zoe Zaldana's steely grip of the character is pure muscle and brawn. And what can we say about the macho dudes? Of course!
Although I don't concur with military braggadocio, and especially black-ops and covert military operations, to fix whatever “quarrels” Washington has with geopolitical power rivals, this is TV. Okay? The actual issues that surround the show require a far longer discussion. Hints: As uttered somewhere in the series, 30 percent of U.S. imports come from China, and (CIA Deputy Director) Byron Westfield's quote in the final episode, to the effect that all these don't really matter much.
As I said, kickass action. And Mr Sheridan even had a bit role as a swashbuckling soldier. 🎥💻📽
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