“Once Upon a Time in the West."

“Once Upon a Time in the West” (1968, Amazon Prime) spaghetti Western film directed by Sergio Leone , the dude who pretty much started and wallowed on the genre. My favorite when I was a boy, still is. Although this movie’s story is flimsy and stereotyped, the story was penned by Mr Leone with two other greats of Italian cinema, D ario Argento and Bernardo Bertolucci . Lead stars are Charles Bronson as the Harmonica dude, how cool is that? Henry Fonda , cast against type as the villain, Jason Robards as a bandit with a romantic heart (but still a macho), and Claudia Cardinale as a newly widowed homesteader, sexy eyes and all. And yes, of course, Ennio Morricone supplied the music. As expected, this is all macho stuff. Lots of staring (at each other or at the camera) and slow walks by dudes on trench coats and jackets or 3-layer shirts amidst the scorching desert heat of Flagstone, Old W...